I took a recent trip to Kelowna to visit friends and have a small holiday. I cannot resist being there in the summer and must look at every fruit stand I pass. There are so many things we never see here – that never get to us at Jam Goddess in Calgary, Alberta. Much fruit was over but some things were late and some on time, so I was able to get more varieties than I normally do in a trip. I visited Hazeldell Orchards who are located right in Kelowna and grow wonderful Bartlett pears. There is a great fruit stand on a hill between Kelowna and Penticton that has all kinds of things I’ve never see – ruby red Macintoshes, three kinds of garlic, and several varieties of plum. And the bountiful look of fruit in the huge flats. Something about going around and ordering all the fruit speaks to my peasant heart.